The Internal System control option kit fact sheet & product manual

The Internal System control option kit fact sheet & product manual

The Airmasterâ„¢ ISC (Internal System Control) option kit consists of a dedicated option card, AC / DC power supply and a remote pressure sensor.

The purpose of the ISC option kit is to establish a dedicated source of system control pressure in preference to using the pressure sensor of the host air compressor.  This is preferred because the pressure reference of the host air compressor is likely internal to the host air compressor rather than in the compressed air system (i.e. an air reservoir or tank).

Once installed, the host air compressors Airmasterâ„¢ ISC software feature can then be configured to provide narrow pressure band control of up to 8 Airmasterâ„¢ equipped and networked air compressors.  Refer to the software manual of the respective Airmaster product for software guidance.

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