Q: How can I see if I have a new or previous Airmaster T1/S1 controller?
A: You can recognize the difference in 2 ways, hardware or via software.
First, the easy way is via hardware. When you look at the back of the controller you can see the difference when you look at X07 and X08.
When you have a previous version of a T1/S1 controller you can see that the space between X07 and X08 is bigger.
(Previous T1 controller)
When you have the new T1/S1 controller you can see that the space between X07 and X08 is smaller, this is because the LED between X07 and X08 has been placed more inward of the controller.
(New T1 controller)
The other way to know if you have a new controller is looking at the software version.
The software version can also be found on the controller, on one of the labels.
A previous controller has a software version with an extension that ends with .H86
(e.g. T1CMCSTD_E26.H86 => previous controller)
A new controller has a software version with an extension that ends with .HEX
(e.g. T1CMCSTD_E26.HEX => new controller)
What you should pay attention for when you are working with a new Airmaster T1/S1 controller!!!
If you want to flash a new software (extension .HEX) in a new T1/S1 controller, you need the latest flashtool version = flashtool
Be aware, it is not possible to flash software with extension .H86 into the new T1/S1 controllers and vice versa.