Drivers for USB NANO Programming Tool

Drivers for USB NANO Programming Tool

Download the drivers for the USB NANO programming tool by clicking on the corresponding files, listed below.
  1. For Windows XP or 7 - 32 bit operating systems : download the file
  2. For Windows XP or 7 - 64 bit operating systems : download the file
  3. For Windows 8 or later - 32 & 64 bit operating systems : download the file

Read the article about the compability of the USB NANO before installing the WIN10 driver. Be sure to upgrade your USB NANO Programming before installing the Win10 driver. To upgrade your USB NANO programming Tool, use of a PC with Windows 7 is required.
For successful installation of your USB NANO Programming Tool, please read the article describing how to succesfully install the USB NANO programming tool on my PC.

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