Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Controls Studio Equipment Outlet Pressure Parameter chain
This article describes what parameters are interrelated to each other and how they influence each other while attempting to configure the 'equip out' pressure IMM stop, alarm, load- and unload values. Refer to the below image and table to learn which ...
Troubleshooting E:0821 how to find the cause of the error.
Try to reset the controller's E:0821 Short circuit fault by pressing the 'reset' button. If the fault does not clear (even shortly) after pressing the reset button, check if there is an electic leakage with the metal cover. If the fault does clear ...
Some common errors and how to solve them (Q-controller)
1. The machine does not start efter pressing the local start button on the controller display. Are there any start inhibits? Displayed by a S: error code. S:0133 - Air TEMP low INH. Air temperature low start inhibit S:3500 - Start inhibit (operator ...
How to set-up a remote start/stop configuration on the Q1 controller?
Remote start/stop via digital inputs A digital input will be used to implement the start/stop function. The function of digital inputs 2 to 7 are adjustable. In the below example DI2 is used. In the P18.02 menu, set the function of DI 2 to ...
How should I design my own Q Series user interface
CMC offer a custom design service to volume consumers of Airmaster products only. Consult your product supplier to establish qualifying criteria! Designing a custom Q Series user interface typically consists of... Choosing a Size of user interface ...
How do I update the Q1 software application on the Airmaster Q1 controller by myself?
How do I update the Q1 software application on the Airmaster Q1 controller by myself? 1. What do you need before you start. You need to install the Flashtool application. ...
Additional information for parameter "P switch"
P12.35 P Switch low This parameter is related to the relay function PRESS Switch NO/NC. When relay function is set as PRESS switch NO, the relay will be active when COMP out press ≥ P switch high and will be deactivate when COMP out press ≤ P switch ...
Additional information for parameter "Limit schedule functions"
P12.34 Limit schedule functions This parameter can limit the selection of actions for the run schedule. When switched ON the actions are limited to use default PH/PL, use schedule PH/PL and go to standby. When switched OFF, 3 more actions are ...
Additional information for parameter "Run Check Delay"
P12.33 Run check delay One of the selectable functions for a digital input is checking a feedback signal of a motor relay. P12.33 determines the time the DI has to change status.
Additional information for parameter "Resume DI start"
P12.32 Resume DI start Resume DI start observes the condition of the DI associated with DI start after a power failure. When switched on the controller will generate an artificial contact open/close cycle in order to remote start the controller when ...
Additional information for parameter "Restart Reminder"
P12.24 Restart Reminder Restart reminder is a selection for information at power up. If at the moment of power down, there is an active immediate shutdown condition, there are 3 ways of starting up. You switch this selection OFF and nothing happens. ...
What is the function off the “ISC start delay”, when does it work?
ISC start delay (P81.02) Q: What is the function off the “ISC start delay”, when does it work? A: It is a sequential start function, this feature is intended to prevent that all compressors or motors will start at the same time during a system start. ...
When will the error code E0084 be generated?
Q : When will the error code E0084 be generated? A : E0084 is generated whenever the measured current for the main motor is below 20% of the nominal rated current (P14.03) for over 10 seconds. We do not generate this error if VSD is used. So we only ...
What do I need to establish Modbus communication with an Airmaster controller?
Modbus communication with an Airmaster controller. Q: What do I need to establish Modbus communication with an Airmaster controller? A: Follow the steps described below for the Airmaster controller you want to configure for Modbus communication. ...
I have changed the ISC rotation interval (P80.04) but the controller doesn't seem to apply the new setting.
ISC Sequencing - Rotation Interval Q : I have changed the ISC rotation interval time (P80.04) but the controller doesn’t seem to apply the new setting (e.g. changed to 50 hrs but the sequence rotation happened after less than 24 hours). A : Please ...
How to set up Q1 for ISC (Master/Slave)
This document describes how to connect and configure 2 Q1 controllers for Master/Slave control (ISC). Also available for download are the commissioning forms for Q1 Master & Q1 Slave. These commissioning forms describe which parameters need to be ...
How to connect & configure an Airmaster Q1 controller for Metacentre Master Control
Here you can download detailed instructions on how to set up your Airmaster Q1 controller for remote load/offload control by a Metacentre Master Controller
How can a user account be added or changed on an Airmaster Q1?
Anybody who has the active access code to log in as the ADMIN user (this code can be changed by ADMIN), can change settings for the ADMIN himself or the other user accounts 1 - 10. This is done in P09. The Q1 default user account,settings can be ...
Which languages are supported by the Airmaster Q1?
The Airmaster Q1 currently supports 22 languages: ENG => ENGLISH BEL => BELARUSIAN BRA => BRAZILIAN CZE => CZECH DUT => DUTCH FRE => FRENCH GER => GERMAN GRE => ...
What is the default value of the temperature rise fault in the standard Q1 software?
Q: What is the default value of the temperature rise fault in the standard Q1 software? A: The default is set to 1.0°C (P17.02.01) over 10 seconds (P17.02.02) resulting in a rise of 0.1°C/s . The active period is set to 11 seconds (P17.02.03) after ...
Does the Airmaster ISC 'timer' feature reset following a power outage?
Airmaster products that feature ISC (Internal System Control) will remember the 'timer' state prior to the power outage. When supply power is returned the 'timer' variable will simply resume.
AIRMASTER Q1 Chinese Menu Quick query (Software version E15)
This document can help you quickly query the MENU function of Q1 controller, so that the operation is more convenient, fast.